Tuesday 22 November 2016

Podcast animation summary

Here are some screen-shots of the roughs and some cleans for my capstone project. this one was pretty awesome to make. I changed the idea of have the guy in a toga to markiplier cause I think thats funnier. I was going to use full animation for this but ended up using rigs instead. the style i went for was a really easy cartoony vibe. I didnt want to add shadows or anything that would slow down the production process. I think this animation turned out really well.

Monday 21 November 2016


hoowee this is a well overdue post. So a few weeks back I finished the podcast animation I was working on. heres a link to that one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkjowKaicwY

Recently I've been working on an animatic for an overwatch animation. it's about the art director dude in the payload on the hollywood map. working on that took a while, to try make it perfect. unfortunately I don't think ill be able to finish it by the deadline. heres the animatic:
I separated the animatic into individual shots to put it into Animate CC. Then I'll animate on top of them.

Sunday 11 September 2016

week 6 and week 7

Week 6

This week I done a few backgrounds for the podcast animation they're simple backgrounds I spent about 20 - 40 minutes on each.

I was starting on the animation and then quickly got very bored. So I decided to put this animation on the back-burner and start on another one I'm more interested in.

Week 7

I started working on a No Mans Sky parody which I find more funny. I went straight into an animatic/animation type thing it's really messy and doesn't make sense at the moment. I haven't been able to put heaps of time into it because I've been working on other projects to meet deadlines. I'll hopefully have a better update to the NMS animation later in the week.

Saturday 27 August 2016

Week 5

I finally finished the first animation here: https://youtu.be/L9VVxzodw_8

It took two weeks to put together and a week to edit, which is why it looks so bad. I was really running out of time.

Well, I can move on with other animations now. This week had been mostly editing the first animation, but while I was working on that one I was looking at a podcast that I really like called Sleepycast and decided to animate one of their many funny scenarios. I've done a rough animatic and because I've only given myself three weeks to finish it, it's going to be a challenge.

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Week 1 and Week 2

ive done this backwards. im doing some blog catch up here. The first two weeks had been dreadful. I made an animatic then scraped most of it cause it wasn't funny. I have some screen-shots from the animatic.

this is the establishing shot. I changed the sign from poodle corp head quarters, (which is like this hacker group on the internet that troll youtubers and take down game servers) to Grandmas house.

the first two screen shots are still apart of the animation but the last one was going to show that they kidnapped a dude and were doing tests on him to enter his brain. I also had a lot more dialogue in the first animatic. the workload was starting to get to be too much though, thats part of the reason why I scraped it.
you may have seen this guy in the earlier post but I was messing around in flash and trying to find a style that could sorta split the workload in half. well this hybrid style of symbol animation and hand drawn kind made it faster but also made it a lot harder, because I was still trying to figure it out. Im liking how this is coming together.

Monday 22 August 2016

Week 3 and Week 4

Ive forgotten to update this thing again. so ive been working on making some short animations for my youtube channel. ths video is a parody of h3h3's time to stop video, where ethan in my animatons is hacking to find the location of another youtuber he talks about in his video. this has been a challenge because two weeks of work I did wasn't really funny (neither the current animation), so I scraped it and was rushing to get something done over the next two weeks. here are the animations that I did.

There was alot of experimenting going on during the making of these clips. th animation style is not one I would usually choose. I like hand drawn animation over using symbols but I find using the symbols, while pretty restricting is way faster they hand drawn, but im still new to process and getting better at it as I play around in flash.

the floating one is my favorite. im currently compositing the video together in after effects. im pretty sure this video isn't going to be that funny but I want to finish so I can start on a new animation.

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Flash Game Progress

Here are some Screen shots of a flash game ive been working on. It's based off Karens IP "Whisper". Ive changed a lot of things on this game. you may notice the look frames I did a few weeks ago have been botched. This First one is the Training screen. you tap "Z" to boost the bar and complete a rep, to get the gains.

This Is the Character Stats screen. you can change your head and check you stats and stuff.

This is the Jobs Screen. you choose who you wish to fight. they randomize when you start the game. you can fight thiefs, bank robbers, car jackers, and much more.

This is the Fight Screen. you can fight the bad guys in pokemon-esk battle system. still working out the kinks in this one. but it'll be the hardest one to finish I reckon.

This is the Select Screen. you can choose what option to go. the computers take you to the job screen, the mirror in the middle takes you to the Stats screen, and the metal door takes you to the Training Room. I have a ton more to do and keep forgeting t